
Happy notes to the second presentation

I'm so happy that Matthew said my story can reflect the message, although he doesn't like bloody and violent film.
I can carry on working now.
By the way, I can't connect internet for more then 3 days at home, that is really a bad experience. How can a 21century person leave internet!!!

Feed back
Matthew doesn't like horrible film, but he said I can do it if I like it. My story reflects the message well. He suggest me do a cut in my story as Lewys suggested. Just begin with the man became fat; play computer games; eat a lot. At last, Mat suggests me if I can try different way rather than 2D drawn animation, as it is not easy to show my story in 2D hand drawn animation.

My target
1) decide the script;
2) create storyboard;
3) do animatic;
4) I'd like to put violent and bloody things in my film, but it is only a way to reflect my story and my message. Don't lost in bloody and violent.

Learn from other students
1) I quite like his reference of UP.
2) All of his characters are started with the same shape. The same shape, but different details. I think it is a good way to create different characters in one film.

1) He puts most of his work on his blog and his blog is really funny, so I can always get inspiration from his blog. Like this time, I found the link of disney's storyboard is really useful.
Lewys, Can I add them on my blog? 
2) He put his storyboard on the wall, then see how it flows. I think it's a good way to test my storyboard. I can learn from him; put storyboard on the wall; perform it shot by shot; and then adjust the order until find the best way to show story.
3) I like the colour of his logo--the fly
4) His animatic mainly reflect the lady's movement and simplify the background. I think it is a good way to show our story at the first step. We can use simple drawings to show what's happening in each shot. Then detailed them. For me, I think it is easier to use drawings (even they are rough)  to show my story than use words.

1) I can find so many creative things in her blog.  The video showed below is from her blog. It is an excellent example for real person and cartoon transformation.

2) When I saw this video( showed below) in her blog, I found combine stop-motion with real person is a good way.

