
Group Work

We have a group meeting on Friday afternoon, here is the content.
David give us a good link to learn animation.

 Story/narrative ideas -
I think my script( Flight of bumble bee) is too complicated, it has so many characters ; and the brain one is it is not suit the target of the module. Then I told others, and we talk about other ideas of the module.

David has done some initial thought process research and come up with images to do with rain.
The basic idea is that there could be a lot of narrative to explore - moods of people in the rain, interesting cinematic angles, slightly abstract.

We've agreed to go away to research our own ideas about rain and water (to create a mood board) - textures, colours, images, mood setting, etc. It can be very loose, doesn't have to be of rain or water as such.
Next Monday, we have a presentation about the module, we can look at each other's findings and choose things that we think look good.

And at the end, we talk about the schedule.

- Scheduling - It will be enriched after we got a story
1. Research/idea gathering - looking at the images or water/rain (where we are now)

2. Visual concepts - looking at characters, scenes, time of day: visual cues for creating a synopsis

3. Create character scenarios

4. Write synopsis or just a simple beginning, middle and end

5. Create character sheets

6. Storyboarding

7. Animatic and sound

8. Animation production (separate schedule to be done)

This process totals around 7 weeks work if we have a week for each item (apart from the initial research). That only leaves us with 7 weeks for animation production.

- Roles and responsibilities -
David and I would like to concentrate on the story telling side, so storyboarding, narrative, scenarios. And David has said that he can help with the sound as he has experience of editing sound.

I'm interested in animating movement as well. But I am afraid whether I can do it good or not. But I wil try my best. Because of the animation is not a light job, maybe all of us will join this part.

Then, I collect some pictures about the camera angle and raining, I will show on Monday.

Here are some:
1. unusual camera angle

2.raining and water
